Aarhus University Seal

Law - about a hundred ways of getting it wrong

Academic Hour Seminar by Sten Schaumburg-Müller and the research programme Contemporary Ethnography

Info about event


Wednesday 4 September 2013,  at 14:15 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Meeting Room 2

The research programme Contemporary Ethnography is hosting the Academic Hour Seminar

'Law – about a hundred ways of getting it wrong'
by Sten Schaumburg-Müller (Department of Law at Aarhus University)

The presention will be a 20 minute inspirational talk about the intersections between anthropology and the law and will be followed by general discussion and mutual brain-storming.

The seminar is meant as a warm-up to the 2014 Megaseminar on 'Law'. See more about the Megaseminar here: http://cas.au.dk/en/currently/event/artikel/mega-seminar-2014-law/

Time and place:

Wednesday 4 September, 14.15-16.00 in Meeting Room 2 (Stakladen)

After the Academic Hour seminar there will be drinks in Mogens Ziehler Stuen

All staff and graudate students are welcome