Aarhus University Seal

MA Philosophy Student Conference

Info about event


Monday 7 December 2015, at 09:15 - Tuesday 8 December 2015, at 16:30

Monday, December 7, Building 1455, room 127:

9:15-9:20 Welcome

9:20-9:50 Nirvana Islamagic: On Civil Disobedience 

9:55-10:25 Mathias Linaa Lauersen: Cutting Up Your Mom!

Coffee Break

10:45-11:15 Rasmus Bruunshøj Jokobsen: Nothing Sticks Like a Shadow

11:20-11:50 Lars Lodberg: Speculating in the Divine Economy – The Reality and Necessity of Speculation

12:00- 12:30 Felix Englert: Responsibility for Group Actions Lunch

13:15-13:45 Jørgen Jensen: Phenomenal Experience as Functioning

13:50-14:20 Tobias Holm Andersen: Does Public Involvement Improve Democracy in the Danish Political System?

14:30-15:00 Søren Kjærsgaard: Can Corporations be Held Responsible?

Coffee Break

15:20-15:50 Kasper Lindberg: Universal Suffrage and Citizenship

16:00-16:30 Michael Cannon: A Philosophical Critique of an Information-Based Account of Consciousness

16:40-17:10 Kaspar Vestrup: Evaluating Society 


Tuesday, December 8, Building 1455, room 127: 

9:15-9:45 Jonas Bensrati: Social Ontology and Terrorism

9:55-10:25 Adrianna Kwiatkowska: On Suspension of Duty towards Dignity

Coffee Break

10:45-11:15 Mattias Skipper Rasmussen: Philosophy as Conceptual Engineering

11:20-11:50 Oliver Quick: Mathematical Entities, Physicalism, and the Indispensability Argument

12:00-12:30 Sille Stenild: Tensions of the Universal: A Critique of Ethical Cosmopolitanism


13:15-13:45 Niels Wilde: Stumbling Blocks – Place, Secrecy and Dancing Things

13:50-14:20 Mikkel Mørk: Thinking, Language, and Being

14:30-15:00 Tobias Lange: Punishment – you deserve it!

Coffee Break

15:20-15:50 Martin Steffensen: Thick Cosmopolitanism or World Alienation?

16:00-16:30 Kit Kerrye: Ontological Presuppositions for the Attribution of Moral Responsibility