Aarhus University Seal

Ph.D. Defence: Thomas Fris Søgaard

Thomas Friis Søgaard will be defending his dissertation: Doormen - Embodied masculinity and the political economy of security in the Danish nightlife

Info about event


Friday 25 October 2013,  at 13:00 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Building 1442, Mogens Zieler meeting room

Friday 25th October 2013 at 1.00 PM Thomas Friis Søgaard, MA will be defending his dissertation:

Doormen - Embodied masculinity and the political economy of security in the Danish nightlife

The defence takes place at Aarhus University, Building 1442, Mogens Zieler meeting room, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2, 8000 Aarhus C.

The defence is public, and everybody is welcome.

Assessment committee:

  • Richard Hobbs, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Essex
  • Steffen Jensen, Senior Researcher, Dignity – Danish Institute Against Torture
  • Mads Daugbjerg, Associate Professor, (head of committee) Department of Culture and
    Society, Aarhus University

Main supervisor:

  • Nils Bubandt, Professor, Department of Culture and Society, Aarhus University


  • Lars Holmberg, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
  • Lars Buur, Senior Researcher, DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies

The defence proceedings will be in English. They will be chaired by Susanne Højlund, Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Society

The dissertation is available for reading on location at this address:
Aarhus University, Department of Culture and Society, Moesgaard, Moesgaard Alle 20, Building 4236, 8270 Hoejbjerg