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The Soviet Union, the League of Nations and Europe, 1917-1934

Ph.d.-præforsvar Jon Reinhardt-Larsen Afholdes på ZOOM

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Wednesday 15 December 2021,  at 15:00 - 17:00

The thesis examines the development of Soviet perception of and policy towards the League of Nations in the period from the creation of the Soviet state in 1917 to its membership of the League in 1934. The thesis maps how, when and why the Soviet authorities changed their views of the League of Nations from being a thoroughly anti-Soviet organisation towards a possible vehicle of achieving Soviet foreign policy goals.

Discussant: Alastair Kocho-Williams, Professor of History / Chair of Humanities & Social Sciences, Clarkson University, New York

Hvis man ønsker at deltage i forsvaret via Zoom, skal man tilmelde sig til Anja Elley, ae@cas.au.dk senest den 14. december kl. 12.00.