Aarhus University Seal

Religion in Location: Spatial Approaches to Religion

Seminar, arrangered by the Centre for Contemporary Religion

Info about event


Friday 8 February 2013,  at 10:00 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Campus Nobel, Building 1453, Room 415


Centre for Contemporary Religion


  • 10.00-10.50: Kim Knott:  Locating religion: the challenges
  • 10.50-11.40: Jesper Østergaard: Religion and space: religion in a topographic turn
  • 11.40-12.00: Discussion: Knott & Østergaard
  • 12.00-13.00: Lunch (at own expense)
  • 13.00-13.50: Veikko Anttonen: Perceptual strategies and environmental preferences in the making of religious terrains
  • 13.50-14.40: Jesper Sørensen: Mind in space -- Space in mind: cognitive aspects of the construction of ritualized space.
  • 14.40-15.00: Discussion: Anttonen & Sørensen
  • 15.00-16.00: General discussion
  • 16.00-: Wine and snack reception in 1451 – 515

See also introduction

Contact: Jesper Østergaard joe@teo.au.dk