Aarhus University Seal

Research-seminar: Empirical Theology

Guest lecture by Professor Johannes Van der Ven: What is empirical theology – presented through the study of the influence of religious conviction on the attitude towards human rights

Info about event


Friday 22 March 2013,  at 10:00 - 17:00


Nobelparken, bldg. 1453, room 415


Kirstine Helboe Johansen


10.00: Coffee and welcome

10.15-12.00: Professor Johannes Van der Ven: What is empirical theology – presented through the study of the influence of religious conviction on the attitude towards human rights

12-13: Lunch

13-16: Short presentations of empirical studies within theology in Denmark

  • 13-13.30: Assistant Professor Kirstine Helboe Johansen: The understanding of rituals among ministers and wedding couples in The Church of Denmark
  • 13.30-14.00: Ph.d. Marie Thomsen: Show me what you do – congregational studies in Denmark
  • 14.00-14.30: Ph.d. Marianne Gaarden
  • 14.30-15: Coffee-break
  • 15.00-15.30: Stud. Theol. Thomas Buelund: Praying in an experiment – to do theology on experiments within the psychology of religion
  • 15.30-16: Ph.d. and research assistant Jakob Egeris Thorsen: The Charismatic challenge – when charismatic awaking and institutionalized Christianity converge.

16-17: Discussion