Aarhus University Seal

Research talk: Meinard Kuhlmann (Mainz)

Beyond Particles and Fields--On the Ontological Furniture of the Quantum World

Info about event


Friday 20 November 2015,  at 12:30 - 14:30

Quantum Field Theory supplies the language in which modern physics describes the basic constituents of the material world. However, neither the language nor the more substantial claims of this theory actually determine its ontology. Traditionally, the main candidates for the fundamental building blocks are particles and fields, or a combination of both. I will show that none of these conceptions is tenable, since crucial characteristics of both particles and fields are lost in the quantum world. In order to come closer to an appropriate ontology of Quantum Field Theory I will first consider how physical theories refer to reality. On this background I will then scrutinize Ontic Structural Realism, a proposal that is hotly debated these days. Eventually, I will introduce an alternative interpretation, Dispositional Trope Ontology, according to which material objects are nothing but bundles of tropes, i.e. particularized properties.