Aarhus University Seal

Seminar on the newly discovered ring fortress at Vallø

This seminar presents the first results of the investigations of the Viking-age ring-fortress on the lands of Vallø estate, west of Køge, and places the find in international context.

Info about event


Tuesday 18 November 2014,  at 13:15 - 17:00


Aarhus University, Moesgaard, room 4206-139 (’Foredragssalen’)


Organised by the research programme Materials, Culture and Heritage.

In September 2014 researchers from Aarhus University and the Danish Castle Centre jointly announced the discovery of a Viking-age ring-fortress known as “Borgring” on the lands of Vallø estate, west of Køge. It was the first such monument to be identified in Denmark for over 60 years. The discovery was recently presented by the American journal Archaeology as one of the ten most important archaeological discoveries of 2014. This seminar presents the first results of the investigations of the site, and places the find in an international context.

The seminar is free of charge, pre-registration is required. There is a limit of 150 seats available. For registration or enquiries, please contact farksms@cas.au.dk




Søren M. Sindbæk, Aarhus University & Nanna Holm, Danish Castle Centre
Introduction to Borgring: the discovery of a Viking-age ring fortress

Helen Goodchild, University of York
Revealing the Ring: geophysics at Borgring

Nanna Holm, Danish Castle Centre & Søren M. Sindbæk, Aarhus University
The first excavations at Borgring: the fortress architecture and construction 

Jan Heinemeier & Marie Kanstrup, AMS laboratory, Aarhus University
Carbon-14 dating of samples from Borgring – first results and future potential

Marianne Schwartz, Department of Conservation and Science, Moesgaard Museum
Conservation of charred wood for dendro-chonological dating.

Lisbeth Eilersgaard Christensen, Odense City Museums
The place-name Borgring and its local context


15:00-15:30 Coffee



Torben Dehn, Danish Agency for Culture
Viking Age ring fortresses – a Danish UNESCO World Heritage?


Pieterjan Deckers, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Vikings and fortresses in the southern Low Countries


Ingrid Ystgaard, Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim
War, tactics and fortresses in Scandinavia from the Roman Iron Age to the Viking Age