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Seminar on the political culture of the 1970s - zoom meeting - See below link in the text

Speakers: -Thorsten Borring Olsesen: Professor, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University -Anne Bos: Researcher, Centre for Parliamentary History, Radboud University

Info about event


Wednesday 6 May 2020,  at 15:00 - 17:00


zoom meeting. See link below.


Research Programme in History

Rethinking the 1970s: Political Cultures of Western Europe

1970s saw significant changes in the both the contents and forms of politics in Western Europe. The trends were contradictory: severe slumps after decades of post-war long-term growth; destabilization of old party hegemonies; the rise of leftist revolutionaries, cultural conformism, right-wing populism and neo-liberalism; resurgences of workers’ strikes, feminism, environmentalism and principles of human rights; European integration; global concerns challenging traditional Eurocentrism...

How are we to take stock of this apparent pell-mell of developments? How far can such stock-taking help us respond to challenges of present-day politics?

To assist us in sorting out such questions, the Research Programme in History at Aarhus University has invited two prominent experts in the political cultures of the 1970 :

Anne Bos (Researcher, Centre for Parliamentary History, Radboud University): Responses of Dutch politicians to the economic crises of the late 1970s

Thorsten Borring Olsesen (Professor, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University): The Crossfire Decade: the 1970s as a political battleground for the 1960s meeting the 1980s



Join the seminar by following below link:
