Aarhus University Seal

Sensing the Roman Domestic Space

Lecture by Laura Nissin, AIAS

Info about event


Friday 4 November 2022,  at 15:00 - 16:00




Aarhus Seminars in Classical Antiquity

Lecture by:
Laura Nissin, AIAS

Sensations, often considered as solely physiological phenomena, are in fact deeply influenced by cultural and historical factors. Without understanding the past sensorium, our knowledge of ancient societies remains inevitably superficial. For finding out how the inhabitants sensed their immediate neighborhoods, my research project Making sense(s) of Roman neighborhoods investigates the experiences of coexistence in ancient urban quarters, focusing on sensory nuisances (i.e. the irritating smells and sounds, unwanted touches, the role of darkness in the use of space, and the disparity of diets). In the KLS seminar, I will discuss my recent work on the smellscape of a Pompeian city block IX,3 and on light and dark in the Casa del Tramezzo di Legno in Herculaneum (III, 11).

For more information please contact:
Troels Myrup Kristensen