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Center for Philosophy and the Health Sciences lecture series

"The folk concept of disease" Talk by Edouard Machery  (University of Pittsburgh)

Info about event


Friday 21 April 2023,  at 14:15 - 16:00


Aarhus University, building 1467, room 616 and Online

In this talk Edouard Machery examine the folk concept of disease, by assessing (1) whether disease judgments are influenced by whether a condition is typical, dysfunctional, and disvalued, and (2) whether they are influenced by the causes and symptoms of a condition. Results tentatively suggest that the folk concept of disease is naturalistic (i.e., value judgments don’t seem to matter) and perhaps not essentially causal (symptoms are sufficient for a condition to be a disease), and that gender and disgust sensitivity influence disease judgment. 

Link for online participation: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/61022253273

The event is arranged by The Center for Philosophy and the Health Sciences (CPHS) and is open for everyone.

Contact person: Professor Somogy Varga