Aarhus University Seal

The human superorganism concept in health and disease

Human Evolution Lunch Lecture by Professor Mogens Kilian

Info about event


Friday 25 October 2013,  at 12:00 - 13:00


Aarhus University, building 1110, room 214

This month's Human Evolution Lunch Lecture is by Professor Mogens Kilian who will speak on "The human superorganism concept in health and disease"He argues that we and our microbiota (bacteria, viruses, parasites) constitute an integrated superorganism, which is the result of millions of years of co-evolution and mutual adaptation and with significant advantages to both parts. The lecture will demonstrate the extent of this coevolution, discuss the methods that are being used to study it, and highlight the significant consequences for our health and the diseases that we may encounter.

The lecture will take place at BiRC, building 1110, room 214, at 12:00 noon. Bring your friends, colleagues, students and lunch for yet another exciting perspective on human evolution.

Kontaktperson: Peter C. Kjærgaard

Link foredragsrække: http://darwin.au.dk/lunch/