Aarhus University Seal

The Moral Molecule

Interacting Minds Lecture: Paul Zak, Claremont Graduate University

Info about event


Monday 25 March 2013,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Nobelparken, building 1482, room 105

Interacting Minds invites all interested to the lecture:

 The Moral Molecule

- by Paul J. Zak, Claremont Graduate University

The lecture takes place on March 25th at 2-4 pm in Nobelparken, building 1482, room 105.

Why are people good or evil?  This talk reviews research from Dr. Zak's lab showing that insights moral emotions has a neurochemical foundation.  This research has demonstrated that oxytocin seems to function as a "moral molecule", responding to, and motivating, virtuous behaviors.  Virtue is assessed in the laboratory using neuroeconomics experiments that "follow the money" to gauge the degree of virtue.  The talk concludes with implications for psychopathology and law.

The talk is followed by commentaries from Albert Gjedde and Gert Tinggaard.

Paul J. Zak:
Paul J. Zak is Professor of Economics and the founding Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University. Professor Zak is one of the inventors of the prolific field of "neuroeconomics" and has been a forerunner in the integration of neuroscience and economics. His work has had an enourmous impact on our understanding of the biological substrates of economic decisions and social interactions and, in particular, for our understanding of the emergence of cooperation. Professor Zak’s work has appeared in Nature, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, PLoS One and all major economics journals. Read more about Paul Zak here.