Aarhus University Seal

The South Asian Religion research unit invites all interested to attend a research seminar

The seminar will provide an overview of the background of the research unit and its current research projects and collaborations. The seminar will open up for questions and discussion in relation to our approach, our emphasis on South Asian religion (http://sar.au.dk/about-sar/), and future directions for SAR.

Info about event


Thursday 16 May 2013,  at 09:00 - 11:30


9.00-9.30 Marianne Fibiger

Welcome and presentation of SAR

 9.30-10.00 Bjarne Wernicke Olesen

The ?akta traditions project and Hindu Studies (http://projects.au.dk/sakta-traditions/)

10.00-10.10 Break

10.10-11.40   Silje Lyngar Einarsen

Studies of text and ritual in Hinduism – presentation of PhD project

10.40-11.10   Jørn Borup

Buddhist Studies

11.10-11.30   Final discussion and future directions

As there will be arranged for coffee and bread, we kindly ask those who plan to attend to notify Silje (sle@teo.au.dk) no later than Friday, 10th May.

Sv?gatam – welcome!