Aarhus University Seal

Meet our new new testament guy!

Lecturer Brent Nongbri, AU: Before religion: A history of a modern concept. Arranged by Teologisk Forening

Info about event


Friday 24 February 2017,  at 14:15 - 16:00


AU Campus Nobel, Bldg. 1453, Room 415, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 3

For much of the past two centuries, religion has been understood as a universal phenomenon, a part of the “natural” human experience that is essentially the same across cultures and throughout history. Individual religions may vary through time and geographically, but there is an element, religion, that is to be found in all cultures during all time periods. Taking apart this assumption, Brent Nongbri shows that the idea of religion as a sphere of life distinct from politics, economics, or science is a recent development in European history.