Aarhus University Seal

Urban Politics of Materialities and Bodies

Dr. Thomas Bürk (IB-Hochschule Berlin), Ass. Prof. PhD Anders Lund Hansen (University of Lund) and Dr. Stefan Hoehne (Center for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin)

Info about event


Tuesday 20 November 2018,  at 10:15 - 13:45


Aarhus University, Nobelparken, Building 1483, room 251


Mikkel Thelle and Louise Fabian

The notion of urban politics has for some time been revisited and redefined. URO Research Center have invited 3 prominent international researchers and asked them to critically approach three urgent themes of politics in urban space. We therefore hereby invite all interested to attend this seminar on the politics and activism of care, housing and ressourcification. The seminar will both look at how power is materialised, spatialised and structured in urban politics and on how different forms of activism and activists are trying to challenge and resist these existing dominant agendas.


10.15  Ass. Prof. PhD. Mikkel Thelle og Ass. Prof. PhD. Louise Fabian Welcome and Introduction

10.30-11.15  Dr. Thomas Bürk, IB-Hochschule Berlin The Economic Spatialities of Home and the Politics of Care

11.15-12.00  Ass. Prof. PhD. Anders Lund Hansen, University of Lund Politics and Activism of Housing

12.00-12.30  Lunch

12.30-13.15  Dr. Stefan Hoehne, Center for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin Salvage Cities - New Urban Regimes of Resourcification.

13.15-13.45  Panel Discussion, tea/coffee and cake

AU Contact Louise Fabian: idelfl@cas.au.dk Mikkel Thelle: iksmikkel@cas.au.dk Website: www.uro.au.dk  

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