Aarhus University Seal

Vernacular Classicisms: Denmark and Ireland

Listen to different speakers in a exciting afternoon at Antikmuseet

Info about event


Wednesday 4 May 2022,  at 14:15 - 17:00


Antikmuseet, Victor Albecks Vej 3, 8000 Aarhus C


Research Program of Classical studies "Classical Antiquity and its Heritage"


  • Isabelle Torrance: “Translating Classical Literature into Irish.”
  • Ronan Crowley: “Ulysses in Dublin.”
  • Troels Myrup Kristensen: “Geographies of Classicism and the Danish Urban Vernacular.”
  • Ciarán Rua O’Neill: “Vernacular Classicism in Irish Visual Culture.”
  • Vinnie Nørskov: “Translations of the Urban Vernacular: Embroidering the Classical.”


Contact: Troels Myrup Kristensen (tmk@cas.au.dk) and Isabelle Torrance

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