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Andrew J. Latham: New postdoc at the Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas

From January 24, Andrew J. Latham will be a new postdoc in the Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas working on a project investigating personal autonomy.

My name is Andrew James Latham. From January 24 2022 I will be a new postdoc in the Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas working with Professor Somogy Varga on his project investigating personal autonomy. The purpose of this project is to re-evaluate autonomy in light of contemporary discoveries in the psychological and brain sciences which seem to show that our decisions are determined by irrelevant situational factors, and not, as we might have supposed, our core desires, principles, and values. 

I work mainly at the intersection between ethics, metaphysics, and cognitive science. There I am interested in what empirical discoveries in the psychological and brain sciences reveal about the nature of free will, moral responsibility, and more recently, space and time. Prior to coming to Aarhus, I was an Anderson Junior Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Sydney, where I also received my PhD. Before that I was educated in the School of Psychology at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, which is where I am originally from.

Andrew James Latham
School of Culture and Society
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 7
8000 Aarhus C
