Aarhus University Seal

J.C.H. Ellehammer Prize: First prize goes to project on geopolitical regulation of nuclear weapons

"The submitted contributions were of very high quality," says Associate Professor of History of Ideas at Aarhus University, Casper Andersen, who is a member of the prize committee and together with the Ellehammer Foundation has named the first recipients of the newly established prize.

This is the first time the J.C.H. Ellehammer Prize has been awarded. An award that has been established on the basis of an initiative from the History of Ideas subject at Aarhus University in collaboration with the academic environment around the upper secondary school subject and supported by the Ellehammer Foundation. According to the chairman of the foundation, Mads Gudmand Persson, the purpose of the award is to support and reward good professionalism in the history of ideas subject at HTX and in this way strengthen technological education in Denmark. And judging by the quality of the proposals received, there is reason to be pleased.

"At the Ellehammer Foundation, we are very impressed by the professional level of the contributions submitted. It bodes well for the future that we have such talented young people," says Mads Gudmand Persson. He is supported by Casper Andersen, Associate Professor of History of Ideas:

"We received many contributions from teachers who recommend student projects. We are incredibly pleased that the professional community has received the award so warmly. With the award, we hope to consolidate the professionalism that forms the basis of the history of ideas in HTX."

Winning project about the geopolitical regulation of nuclear weapons
The many entries submitted were of such high quality that not only a first prize, but this year also two prizes were awarded for a joint second place. The first prize went to Emil O'Kane from Odense Technical Gymnasium. His project on geopolitical regulation of nuclear weapons impressed the panel of judges.

"The project shows how technical expertise and political regulation are linked to the nuclear weapons problem. Emil tackles a contemporary hot potato: scientific activism. It is an impressive work with solid technical understanding and a keen eye for the ethical dilemmas that scientists face in modern society. With the award, we want to recognize students who combine the technological and the historical of ideas in a solid and creative way. Emil certainly does," says Casper Andersen.

It was also a happy and satisfied winner who received this year's Ellehammer Prize:

"I am very honoured to be awarded this award. It's a huge recognition of the work I've done. I hope that it will inspire other HTX students to write more assignments in History of Ideas," says Emil O'Kane.

Facts about the Ellehammer PrizeJ. C. H. Ellehammer's Project Prize was established in a collaboration between the subject History of Ideas at Aarhus University and the academic environment around the upper secondary school subject and is supported by the Ellehammer Foundation. The foundation supports the development of the technical sciences and was established by manufacturer Hans F. H. Ellehammer in memory of his father; the inventor and aviation pioneer J. C. H. Ellehammer. The first prize is DKK 25,000. The second prize of DKK 10,000.

Read more about the new Ellehammer Prize


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Casper Andersen, Associate Professor at the History of Ideas
School of Culture and Society
Aarhus University
Mail: ideca@cas.au.dk
Mobile: +45 2639 1325


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