Johannes Lundberg - New PhD at the Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas
Johannes Lundberg joined the Department as PhD in History of Ideas on 1 February 2021.

My name is Johannes Lundberg and I am honoured to be a new PhD student at History of Ideas, where I started on February 1st. I hold a master degree in Philosophy from RUC where I have focused on French and German epistemology and critical theory.
Today, financial capitalism has an increasing influence on climate policies of corporations and states. This is seen in the way financial structures shape critical investment decisions of institutional investors (pension funds, banks, etc.).
Curiously, in this context, it is quite unique for Danish pension funds that members in many of these have the opportunity to vote to general assemblies and boards, and hence raise demands for climate considerations in the investment policy.
In short, therefore, I will examine: Partly, how imperatives in financial capitalism have developed and shape climate-related investment decisions via models, laws, norms and expectations for and to institutional investors’ investment decisions. And partly, how more or less member-democratic forms of governance of pension funds affect how green or black investment decisions institutional investors make. To identify the financial logics and governance structures, the study is inspired by Foucault’s concepts of dispositives and genealogy.
Johannes Lundberg
Institut for Kultur og Samfund - Afdeling for Filosofi og Idéhistorie
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 7
8000 Aarhus C