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Joshua Hatherley - New Post doc at the Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas

Joshua Hatherley started as a post doc on 1 January 2024 and his research aims to evaluate the ethical implications of new and emerging technologies, particularly with respect to their impact on human relationships and decision-making practices.

foto af Joshua Hatherley

Joshua Hatherley is an incoming postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas. His research aims to evaluate the ethical implications of new and emerging technologies, particularly with respect to their impact on human relationships and decision-making practices. He completed his PhD thesis at Monash University, Australia, in which he argued that medical applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning systems threaten to degrade the quality of therapeutic relationships between clinicians and patients. In addition, Joshua has broader research interests in bioethics, having previously published research on the ethics of medical assistance in dying for psychiatric patients. Previously, Joshua worked as an associate investigator on “The uses and abuses of black box AI in emergency medicine” funded by Facebook Research. His research has appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, the Journal of Medical Ethics, and Nature Machine Intelligence. His work has also been translated and published in Turkish. 

Joshua James Hatherley
Institut for Kultur og Samfund
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 7, 1467, 530
8000 Aarhus C