New Deputy Heads of School at the School of Culture and Society
Head of School Bjarke Paarup has appointed two new Deputy Heads of School. Professor Andreas Roepstorff and Associate Professor Marie Vejrup Nielsen are looking forward to becoming part of the school management team.

The School of Culture and Society will have two new Deputy Heads of School within the areas of Research and Staff and Communication. The newly appointed Heads of School are two experienced researchers within their respective fields of study with considerable managerial experience who will now also be actively involved in the management work at the School in the future.
Head of School Bjarke Paarup explains:
"When we choose to appoint two Deputy Heads of School for Research and Staff and Communication, it is primarily in order to future-proof the organisation and the positive development that the School is undergoing. It is important to ensure continuity – and the continued important prioritisation of both these areas – also in the transition to a new management team in the future. Marie Vejrup Nielsen and Andreas Roepstorff are strong and dynamic capabilities within the fields that they will be responsible for. I am very pleased that they will take on the task, and I am sure that they will contribute to strengthening the organisation in an inclusive manner and rethinking the areas for which each of them is given particular responsibility. "
The new Deputy Head of School for Staff and Communication is very much looking forward to being able to influence the area:
I will be Deputy Head of School for Staff and Communication. It covers the entire area of employment, but it also concerns ensuring communication and collaboration at the school in general. It is a new position, and the content of the position will also very much be shaped by the strategies developed by the school. I am very interested in helping to focus on how we as researchers, teaching staff and administrators can establish a healthy working relationship in our everyday lives, "says Marie Vejrup Nielsen, who officially takes up the position on 1 January 2021.
On the same day, Andreas Roepstorff will also take up the position as Deputy Head of School for Research:
The Research conducted at CAS is fantastic. It touches on the past, the present and the future, nature and culture, big and small. In recent years, the research area has been expanded, among other things because of grants from other funds than the Danish Council for independent Research and the ' classic ' humanities foundations. The competencies we have at CAS are particularly relevant in relation to a number of complex problems that require interdisciplinary approaches. As Deputy Head of School for Research, I hope to be able to contribute to supporting new initiatives and investments, preferably across departments and centres. I'm proud to become part of the school management team and I'm looking forward to getting started, "says Andreas Roepstorff.
Andreas Roepstorff will continue his work as Head of the Interacting Minds Centre. Marie Vejrup Nielsen will continue her teaching and research as associate professor at the Department of the Study of Religion, while associate professor Henrik Reintoft will be taking over as centre director of Centre for Contemporary Religion.