Additional Formatting Requirements for submissions to RP2024 Proceedings

Additions to the IOS templates

Sept 1, 2024

1. Title: For workshop contributions: The title or subtitle of your paper should not carry the number of your workshop. This should be indicated in a footnote.

2. The contact information should be stated in the first footnote of the paper, and in this format: Corresponding author: name of the author, full mailing address; E-mail: email@address .

3. State the Affiliations in the header as follows: name of department (or research unit), University, Country.

4. You may use either American English or British English spelling and punctuation, but, please, be consistent either way.

5. Please use double quotes (") for initial quotations, then single quotes (') for quotations within the initial quotation: “Aristotle reported that Heraclitos claimed that ‘everything flows’.”

6. Double quotations marks should be used for direct quotations and single quotation marks for emphasis.

7. Please use for insertions into a sentence the em dash (—) without spaces on either side (not to be mistaken for the slightly narrower en dash (–)). Example:  Plato claimed—although has been recently contested—that…

8. Please use the Oxford comma (a comma used before the “and” in sequences with at least 3 items, e.g.: "to write, read, and calculate").”

9. Reference numbers and page numbers:

a. For sequences of references, please collect all into one bracket: [1, 3, 8].

b. However, if there are page references to these sources please arrange like this: “X showed that Y ([1: 9; 2: 25-30].”

10. Please refer to webpages by either a proper reference with a bracketed number and an entry in the bibliography (e.g., with author’s name and title), or please put the URL in a footnote.

11. Longer quotation: if the quotation is longer than 2 and ½ lines, use a block quotation (no quotation marks at the beginning and end, indented as text block) but leave the font at the same size as the main text.