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DPhil Ittai Dan Gradel og dr. theol. Nils Arne Pedersen
Postdoc Miriam Jane de Cock
In this presentation, I will first outline Origen's hermeneutical principles and his articulation of the ideal reader of…
In this presentation, I will first outline Origen's hermeneutical principles and his articulation of the ideal reader of the fourth Gospel, as…
Det 4. århundrede var et stort vendepunkt i kristendommens historie: Fra at have været en forfulgt minoritet blev kirken en begunstiget officiel…
This paper will seek to move beyond standard academic discussions about whether or not the legend of the conversion of King Abgar of Edessa and the…
Islam and Christianity in Ethiopia: the heritage of the past, the challenge of the future.
Nye perspektiver på Paulus’ lære om Adam, synd og død
Alessandro Gori
Lektor, Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Københavns Universitet
Authorial Attribution and Historical Background of Moses bar Kepha’s Heresiology
(Ninth-Century Iraq)
Flavia Ruani
Cornelia Horn
Professor, Seminar für Christlichen Orient und Byzanz,
Orientalisches Institut der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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