My research focuses on the origins of Christianity, its earliest texts, and the reception history of the Bible in culture and society. My work concentrates on the New Testament Gospels and the letters of Paul in light of ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman literary conventions. I also examine the reception history of the Bible, including topics such as the apocrypha as fan fiction, Rembrandt as a biblical interpreter, translations and children's Bibles, as well as the role of the Bible in politics.
Jeg underviser og vejleder primært i Det Nye Testamente på teologiuddannelsen.
Koordinator for Forskningsenheden Det Nye Testamente (
Redaktionsmedlem: Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift og Studia Theologica
Arrangør af Tekst og Teologi - halvårligt dagseminar for alumner
Medlem af Folkeuniversitets Programråd
Medlem af Colloquium Ioanneum, Colloquium Marcianum, Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Society of Biblical Literature, Collegium Biblicum