Aarhus University Seal

Nicolai Krejberg Knudsen


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Nicolai Krejberg Knudsen

Areas of expertise

  • Social philosophy
  • Phenomenology
  • Ethics
  • Political philosophy

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


My main interest concerns the ontological, epistemological, and moral dimensions of social interaction. Combining analytical, phenomenological, and critical methods, I have written on social cognition, joint action, social normativity, and the moral responsibility of groups. Recently, I have been exploring how these social philosophical issues can help us better understand our relations to AIs and non-human animals as well as the nature of discrimination.

Teaching activities

I mainly teach at the BA in Philosophy as well as the Minors in Social Minds and Humanistic Approaches to Technology Development with occassional guest appearances elsewhere. I often draw on approaches and texts spanning different philosophical tradition (esp. the so-called analytic and Continental approaches).

I am happy to supervise projects within social philosophy, phenomenology, and ethics broadly construed. I am also an external examinator at the different Danish universities.

Selected publications

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