Aarhus University Seal

Mette Smith Bisgaard


Postdoc, PhD, MD

Primary affiliation

Mette Smith Bisgaard

Areas of expertise

  • Physical activity and training
  • Endocrinology
  • Female sex hormones
  • Physical activity during pregnancy

Contact information

Email address


I am a medical doctor and postdoc at Department of Public Health and I am passionate to understand the female physiology and in particular the effects of physical activity and training for both health and pathology, but also in relation to physical performance. I have a special interest to understand how the female sex hormones affects the body and the interaction with physical training. My background gives me a natural interest in interdisciplinary collaborations and I collaborate with researchers both national and international.  

Job responsibilities

My primary areas of work are research and teaching. My research is focused on female physiology especially female sex hormones and interaction with physical activity and training. I teach basal and exercise physiology courses on Odontology, Sport science and Medicine. I also supervise bachelor and master students involved in my research projects. 

Selected publications

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Selected projects

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