Achaeobotanist (PhD) at Moesgaard Museum, Dept. of Archaeological Science and Conservation.
Archaeobotany uses plant remains from archaeological excavations to get a better understanding of people in the past. At Moesgaard Museum, we deal with find material from all archaeological periods and from various countries.
Personal research interests and expertise: 1) plant use during the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Viking Age in NW Europe 2) wood analysis to detect woodland management (pollarding and coppicing) 3) phytolith morphometry to taxonomically attribute phytoliths 4) integrated archaeobotany based on multiple lines of archaeobotanical evidence (pollen, seeds/fruits, wood/charcoal, phytoliths, starch and tubers).
As part of my job at Moesgaard Museum, I teach Archaeobotany to students Archaeology.