Aarhus University Seal

Seminar in honour of Helle Juel Jensen

Prehistory through the microscope

Info about event


Friday 4 December 2015,  at 13:00 - 17:00


Aarhus University, Moesgård Foredragssalen, 4206-139

On December 4th, the School of Culture and Society and the Department of Archaeology invite to an afternoon seminar in honour of Helle Juel Jensen. In the course of her many years' work at Aarhus University, Helle has made a huge contribution to a huge number of people - as research, teacher, supervisor, Chair of the Board of Studies, Vice-Dean and Deputy Head of School. The seminar's academic part will focus on Helle's own area of particular expertise, use-wear analysis and how this powerful set of methods can shed light on many of the unsolved questions. There will be keynotes by leading researchers in this field, Angelou van Gijn (Leiden) and a mystery guest, followed by presentations from current students, alumni and colleagues. The seminar will end with a reception - all are welcome.

See programme here