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Showing the Way Forward for Serbia’s Past.

Claske Vos (MA) will be defending her PhD thesis: "Showing the Way Forward to Serbia’s Past. A Study of the Regional Heritage Programme as a vehicle of ‘Europeanisation’ "

Info about event


Monday 16 January 2012,  at 13:15 - 16:15


Aarhus University, Bartholins Allé, Jeppe Vontilius Auditorium. Building 1252, room 310.

Claske Vos

Serbia should come to terms with its past. This is a sentence often heard relating to Serbia’s path to EU integration. It reflects the conviction among the European institutions that by focusing on the future goal to become part of the EU, it would be possible for countries involved in the Balkan wars to ‘leave their past behind’ and find refuge within the EU.

One of the programmes that was launched to contribute to these aspirations is the Regional Programme on Cultural and Natural Heritage in South East Europe. This joint project of the European Commission and the CoE literally and metaphorically aims to encourage new approaches to Serbia’s past. Claske Vos' thesis investigates how this programme functions as a ‘project of Europeanisation’ in Serbia by combining discourse analysis and ethnographic fieldwork. It looks at the ways in which European, national, regional and local politics intersect, and how particular groups of people variously embrace, reject or negotiate this European project.

Many studies have been undertaken that examine the effects of ‘hard’ policies in enlargement countries such as conditionality policies. The effects of ‘soft’, voluntary projects of Europeanisation, of which the Regional Heritage Programme is only one example, have had much less attention. This study aims to contribute to this relatively unexplored niche of Europeanisation studies.

The defence will be conducted in English.

Assessment Committee

  • Associate professor, dr.phil (Chairwoman), Lisanne Wilken, Aarhus University, Department of Culture and Society.
  • Dr, lecturer, Monica Sassatelli, University of Lon- don, Department of Sociology.
  • Dr, reader, Ger Duijzings, University College Lon- don, The School of Slavonic and
    East European Studies.


  • Associate professor, PhD, Peter Bugge, Aarhus University, Department of Culture and Society.


  • Associate professor, Christian Axboe Nielsen, Aarhus University, Department of Culture and Society.



A full copy of the thesis is available for perusal at the Graduate School prior to the defence:
Aarhus University, Graduate School, Arts,
Jens Chr. Skousvej 3, building 1453, room 528 (5th floor), Anna Louise Plaskett.