New research project aims to alleviate stigma among the mentally ill
New research project aims to help understand and reduce stigma among the mentally ill. The project, which is supported by VELUX FONDEN, is headed by Professor of Philosophy, Somogy Varga.

"I am incredibly pleased that through our close collaboration with the humanities and social sciences departments at the country's universities, we can help strengthen their research environments. This is crucial if we are to reach a new and deeper understanding of our culture and society and solve the most important challenges of our time, which cannot be solved with technical or economic insight alone. We need knowledge about the human factor and its role in both the challenges and the solutions," says Henrik Tronier, Head of Grants for Research and Culture in the Humanities and Social Sciences and responsible for research policy at VELUX FONDEN.
One of the projects that has received a grant is "Rationality, Destigmatization and Mental Disorder". A project led by Somogy Varga, professor of philosophy at the School of Culture and Society at Aarhus University.
"The project will develop a new understanding of rationality, which will help us rethink the relationship between rationality and mental health. It will also contribute to a better understanding and reduction of stigma associated with mental illness," says Somogy Varga, who will lead the project in collaboration with Associate Professor Anke Büter and Professor Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen.
The research project will be anchored at the Centre for Philosophy and the Health Sciences, Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas at Aarhus University.
VELUX FONDEN is a non-profit foundation that wants a democratic and sustainable society on an enlightened and inclusive basis.
Somogy Varga
Professor, Department of Philosophy
School of Culture and Society
Aarhus University
Phone: +45 8716 9079