For speakers

General information

  1. Submission to the Proceedings: all relevant information is here
  2. Registration: all first authors of accepted papers need to be registered at the conference.  Authors of accepted papers who are not first authors but wish to receive an electronic copy of the proceedings, also must be registered at the conference (at least for remote participation).  
  3. Photos, biography, abstract: all speakers at the conference (i.e., also all speakers at the workshops) should please fill in a template (docx file) and photo, which will be used on the webpage and in the printed program booklet. Please send this at your earliest convenience and by May 20 at latest.
  4. Sharing your research before the conference:  Robophilosophy conferences work with the policy of combining the virtues of pre-conference and post-conference Proceedings.  Thus we have set up a google drive for three purposes: (1) if you wish you can upload your RP2024 papers, in their ‘close-to-final’ version, after June 15. (2)  In addition, we have made the content  of all previous Proceedings of RP conferences available to contributors of RP2024 (only), to enable contributors the access this part of the state of the art. (3) Finally, if you wish to share other items of your research relevant for the conference, you may draw attention to it by adding references or links to the page “Other relevant sources”.  (All contributors have received a link to the google drive either directly or via the “corresponding author” of their submission; the link may not be shared with anyone who is not a contributor to RP2024).
  5. Preparing your research talk for the conference: for session speakers: your talk should be not longer than 20 minutes (reserving 10 minutes for discussion) and based on the research paper you submitted to RP2024.  Unless you object to it, your talk will be recorded, and will be made available to all contributors and all participants of the conference, for a limited period of time after the conference. You will be able to use your own computer for your powerpoint presentation. 

Conference timeline:

  • Submission deadlines:
    • January 31, 2024: Submission of proposals for workshops and panels 
    • February 15, 2024: Submission of short research papers and posters
  • Notifications:
    • February 20, 2024: Notification on acceptance of proposals for workshops and panels
    • April 8, 2024: Notification on acceptance of research papers and posters
  • Submission of full papers:
    • May 15, 2024: Submission for review of revised papers with major revisions; final notification May 25.
    • June 1:  Submission of fully formatted penultimate versions of research papers, workshop descriptions, and posters
  • Registration:
    • June 15: Registration deadline for speakers
    • Conference:  August 20-23, 2024
  • Proceedings:
    • September 30, 2024: Submission of final versions of research papers, workshop descriptions, and posters.
    • December 15, 2024: Publication of RP2024 Proceedings