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An interdisciplinary Danish team of researchers has used new astronomical knowledge to establish an exact time anchor for the arrival of trade flows…
Cristina Fominaya has accepted a position as Professor at the School of Culture from 1 November 2021.
Den tidl. regionsrådsformand og formand for Danske Regioner har spillet en afgørende rolle for det danske sundhedsvæsen.
Og så er han cand.mag i…
Associate Professor Lars Bo Gundersen receives The Prize of Honour for Pedagogics 2021 at the annual celebration at Aarhus University
Rosanna Farbøl will be workning on a new research project on the nuclear hazard as a transnational sociotechnical imaginary in the 1980s.
13.000 km separates Denmark and South Africa, but to what extent is the role of the mother in the cold North distinguishable from that in the warm…
Søren Michael Sindbæk has been appointed professor of the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies effective from August 1, 2021.
Felix Riede has been appointed professor of the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies effective from August 1, 2021.
As part of the continued collaboration between the museum and the university, three associate professors have been awarded the honorary title of…
Interview med Niels Brimnes i 21 Søndag på DR1
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