October 10th 2022
Food cultures and Sustainable Transitions
10th of October / 14.00-17.00 /
Nobelparken, Jens Chr. Skous Vej, 8200 Aarhus N / lokale 1465-415 / Aarhus University
Join us in a discussion about transformations and transitions in our habitus and perceptions of food and eating.
The seminar features following researchers:
Susanne Højlund, Aarhus University: "Food cultures - and tastebuds - in transition"
Matilda Marshall, Örebro University: "A return to storage economy? Exploring the potential of food culture and food history in a sustainable gastronomy sector"
Marygold Walsh-Dilley, University of New Mexico: "Eat plant rich, varied and not too much: Food transitions for climate resilience in Denmark and beyond"
Bonnie Averbuch, Aarhus University: "The role of social capital in shaping perceptions of sustainability"