Research Unit for Robophilosophy and Integrative Social Robotics

Robophilosophy is a new area of philosophical research defined as "philosophy of, for, and by social robotics"--it involves not only ethics, but also theoretical disciplines in philosophy.  RISR is an interdisciplinary unit which undertakes empirical research on human-robot interaction, but also contributes to conceptual and methodological research in social robotics and HRI.   We use the approach of "Integrative Social Robotics" (ISR), which assigns to Humanities expertise  an integral role in the RD&D process.   ISR is a value-driven method that is designed to generate culturally sustainable applications of social robotics.

Read more about the Research Unit for Robophilosophy

News and events

February 2025: POST DOC position in Interaction Design at RISR  (deadline March 1)

October 2024: RISR participates in 2 ICSR 2024 workshops; main track paper presentation

August 19-20: RP2024 Conference (10 years of Robophilosophy!)

C. Vestergaard is co-organizer of the conference SOCIALE ROBOTTER OG SANSESTIMULERENDE TEKNOLOGIER, May 31, Odense.

May 2023: J. Seibt was invited to serve on the Ethical Board for the euROBIN project.

For Press: see 'Activities' for recent interviews and resarch communications by members of RISR 

Our article  "Who Is Best At Mediating a Social Conflict?--Comparing Robiots, Screens, and Humans"  received the Gregory Kersten GDN Journal Best Paper Award, from the Springer International Journal for Group Decision and Negotiation

Robophilosophy Seminar: Thursday, Sept 30, 12:00-13:30

Marco Nørskov, AU: "Social robots and ethical cleansing"  

Contribution to teh DACAS ROB event, Sept 2, 13-16

Johanna Seibt, AU: "What Is Integrative Social Robotics?"

Robophilosophy Seminar: Thursday June 3, 12:00-13:30

Simon Balle, AU: “Moral patienthood for robots on extrinsic premises: an argument from empathic responses based on K. E. Løgstrup”

Robophilosophy Seminar: Thursday, May 8, 13:00-14:30

Frederik Vejlin, AU:  

Robophilosophy Seminar: Thursday, April 15, 13:-14:30

Daniel Druckman (Macquarie University, AUS):  Who is Best at Mediating a Social Conflict?  Comparing Robots, Screens, and Humans

Robophilosophy Seminar: Thursday, March 25, 13:-14:30

Oliver Quick: Can and Should we Build Sympathetic Robots?