About us

The research unit

The Research Unit for Robophilosophy addresses research questions in social robotics that require expertise in various philosophical disciplines, including the new area of intercultural philosophy of technology.

Robophilosophy, which we have defined as "philosophy of, for, and by social robotics," is a new area of interdisciplinary and partly experimental philosophy that participates in, and facilitates, the integration of  empirical and normative research in the Humanities and Human sciences (anthropology, psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, phenomenology, ontology, knowledge representation, ethics) into social robotics research and engineering.

Social robotics is not only among the socially most relevant research areas for scholars in the Humanities, it also marks a new relationship between technology and the Humanities. The Research Unit for Robophilosophy undertakes targeted research projects (see http://www.robophilosophy.org) but also serves as a platform for research exchange--we coordinate the "Robophilosophy Conference Series" (www.robophilosophy-conference.org) and the Research Network for Transdisciplinary Studies in Social Robotics (TRANSOR).

The unit coordinator

Research and industry collaborators

  • Casper B. Andersen (ECE Denmark, Rosengaardscenteret)
  • Clionadh Martin (Founder, Coalescent Mobile Robotics)

  • Mads Bendt(CINO, Capra Robotics ApS)