MIGSOSU-holdet deltog til MEGA-seminar for danske antropologer, August 2021 med titlen "Potentials and pitfalls of common interest"
MIGSOSU – from migrant to SOSU aspirant on recruitment and retention of SOSU students and staff with migrant background to the elderly care sector. Research PI Sara Lei Sparre, Innovations PI Johanne Korsdal Sørensen and postdoc Stine Hauberg Nielsen made a presentation.

Oplægsholdere: Sara Lei Sparre, Stine Hauberg Nielsen og Johanne Korsdal Sørensen.
The talk included reflection and discussion of research questions and methodology in practice-oriented research on state-sponsored attempts to recruit otherwise less-privileged migrants for skilled labour in Denmark. We asked:
- What happens with anthropological migration research, when researchers, migrants and authorities basically have common interests?
- What are the potentials and pitfalls in research of such common interests?