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Petr Wohlmuth from the Charles University, Prague, visits GS this February. A guest lecture is planned on February 25.
The largest Carlsberggrant for the humanities this year goes to an ambitious project on the global historical importance of ancient visual culture. At…
Parents, politicians, researchers, teachers often and in different contexts discuss their concerns about how the internet affects children and young…
With support from VELUX FONDEN, a new research project led by anthropologist Mikkel Rytter will focus on the phenomenon of "powerlessness" in Danish…
Rubina Raja is a professor of classical archaeology at Aarhus University and receives the Carlsberg Foundation's Research Prize for her extensive…
Cordelia Hess has been appointed professor at the Department of History and Classical Studies at Aarhus University as of 1 August 2024.
The Interacting Minds Centre (IMC) is launching a postdoctoral training programme for researchers interested in interdisciplinary research. The…
It is now possible to take a full online course in Danish History in both Danish and English, with the course titled "A History of Denmark from the…
Thea is enrolled as a PhD student as of 1 September with the project “Commemoration and the Redress of Colonial Crimes in Denmark, the Netherlands and…
It is with great pleasure that we can announce that the following employees have accepted a professorship at History:
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