Aarhus University Seal

Department of

History and Classical Studies 

Classical Studies

Classical Studies deals with all aspects of Graeco-Roman Antiquity: material and visual culture, literature and language, ideas and ideals. We also study how Graeco-Roman culture interacts with other Mediterranean cultures and how it was received and re-interpreted in later periods. Classical Studies combines two scholarly traditions: Classical Archaeology (the study of the material culture of Antiquity) and Classical Philology (the study of Greek and Latin language and literature.


In the history programme at Aarhus University we study the past to understand the present. A thorough knowledge of the past is an important tool for understanding ourselves and the world that we live in. Knowledge of the past provides depth and breadth; it allows us to look beyond the current agenda and put the world in perspective. Studying history does not provide definitive answers to contemporary dilemmas, but it does offer us the opportunity to engage in a continuous dialogue about how the world obtained its present shape, and how we have become who we are.


The academic study of history is concerned with the development of humankind and society over time. Special emphasis is placed on social, economic, ideological, political and cultural conditions in the past, the relations between these factors and the changes they have undergone. The approach is interdisciplinary, drawing on theories and methodologies from the social sciences, the sciences of culture, and from the discipline itself.

Research environment

The researchers and PhD students in History at Aarhus University concern themselves with history in many forms, primarily political history, cultural history and social history. Research especially comprises the history of Denmark and Europe, from antiquity to the present day. Research projects are usually limited to specific historical periods and geographical regions, but characteristically the work traverses conventional chronological and geographical boundaries. Researchers participate in a variety of national and international research environments.

Degree programmes

Both Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in History are offered. The Bachelor’s degree programme includes survey courses in Danish and World History, historical methodology, the uses of history, and courses in various historical topics. The Master's degree programme is offered as three different tracks: a track for those aiming at upper-secondary school teaching, a cultural history track, and a track comprising global and international history. In addition, a number of elective subjects are offered at both Bachelor’s and Master's degree levels.

Academic staff

At History

Name Job title Email Phone Building
Appel, Charlotte Associate Professor chap@cas.au.dk +4587162808 1461, 418
Arnorsdottir, Agnes Associate Professor hisaa@cas.au.dk +4587162183 1461, 425
Brimnes, Niels Professor hisnb@cas.au.dk +4587162215 1461, 526
Bysted, Ane Research Assistant hisanb@au.dk +4587150045 1463, 622
Cole, Richard Associate Professor richardcole@cas.au.dk +4587162228 1463, 524
Farbøl, Rosanna Assistant Professor rosanna.farboel@cas.au.dk +4587162308 1463, 528
Funder, Heidi
Gram-Skjoldager, Karen Professor hiskgs@cas.au.dk +4587162306 1461, 528
Heß, Cordelia Professor c.hess@cas.au.dk +4587150295 1461, 426
Hilson, Mary Professor mary.hilson@cas.au.dk +4593522676 1461, 430
Højte, Jakob Munk Research Assistant klajh@cas.au.dk +4587150057 1461, 324
Holmqvist, Silke Postdoc sh@cas.au.dk +4587150174 1463, 621
Jensen, Helle Strandgaard Associate Professor hs.jensen@cas.au.dk +4587162203 1463, 526
Jørgensen, Claus Møller Associate Professor hiscj@cas.au.dk +4587162218 1461, 522
Kansteiner, Wulf Professor wk@cas.au.dk +4587162195 1461, 521
Kjeldsen, Christian Kaalund IT Staff Member ckje@au.dk +4587150112
Koefoed, Nina Javette Professor hisnk@cas.au.dk +4587162198 1461, 520
Laursen, Johnny Associate Professor jla@au.dk +4587161324 1461, 523
Mikkelsen, Mie Peglau
Netterstrøm, Jeppe Büchert Associate Professor hisjbn@cas.au.dk +4587162204 1461, 422
Nielsen, Christian Axboe Associate Professor christian.a.nielsen@cas.au.dk +4587162241 1461, 625
Nielsen, Jacob Vrist Postdoc jvn@cas.au.dk +4587168973 1463, 626
Nygaard, Bertel Professor bertel.nygaard@cas.au.dk +4587162225 1461, 524
Olesen, Niels Wium Associate Professor hisnwo@cas.au.dk +4587162192 1461, 518
Olesen, Thorsten Borring Professor histbo@cas.au.dk +4587162208 1461, 530
Ottosen, Line Keller Nørbøge Research Assistant lkj@cas.au.dk +4587150047 1463, 628
Pindstrup, Kristian Research Assistant kpind@cas.au.dk +4587150237
Poder, Søren Kølholt Part-time Lecturer skpoder@cas.au.dk
Poulsen, Bjørn Professor hisbp@cas.au.dk +4587162184 1461, 424
Rasmussen, Leonora Lottrup Postdoc lelo@cas.au.dk +4587168941 1461, 416
Sobotkova, Adéla Associate Professor adela@cas.au.dk +4587162317 1463, 522
Solgaard Andersen, Troels Postdoc tsa@cas.au.dk +4587168976 1463, 626
Wolf, Erik Research Assistant e.wolf@cas.au.dk +4587151358 1461, 423

At Classical Studies

Name Job title Email Phone Building
Åbom Elmkvist, Dorthe Teaching Associate Professor dorthe.aabom.elmkvist@cas.au.dk +4523466860 1461, 328
Brughmans, Tom Associate Professor t.b@cas.au.dk +4587162004 1483, 532
Djurslev, Christian Thrue Associate Professor ctd@cas.au.dk +4593866634 1461, 321
Emde Boas, Evert van Associate Professor, Research Programme Director evert.vanemdeboas@cas.au.dk +4587162346 1461, 318
Gjesse, Anders Thomsen Student Teacher atg@cc.au.dk
Hastrup, Helene Blinkenberg Part-time Lecturer klahbh@cas.au.dk +4587162047 1463, 428
Hermankova, Petra Assistant Professor petra.hermankova@cas.au.dk 1483-531
Hinge, George Associate Professor george.hinge@cas.au.dk +4587162337 1461, 322
Kristensen, Troels Myrup Associate Professor tmk@cas.au.dk +4587162043 1461, 320
Nørskov, Vinnie Associate Professor klavn@cas.au.dk +4560202708 1415, 006
Pade, Marianne Professor pade@cas.au.dk +4529421215 1461, 330
Poulsen, Aske Damtoft Research Assistant adp@cas.au.dk +4587150359 1461, 421
Raja, Rubina Professor rubina.raja@cas.au.dk +4587162046 1461, 326
Steding, Julia Member of Administrative Staff j.steding@cas.au.dk 4230, 223
Zichi, Claudia Research Assistant czichi@cas.au.dk +4587150357 1461, 421

At danmarkshistorien.dk (in Danish)

Name Job title Email Phone Building