Aarhus University Seal

Epistolary Visions of Transformational Leadership: Cicero, Paul, and Seneca 


EVTL - Epistolary Visions of Transformational Leadership - is an international and interdisciplinary research project consisting of researchers from five Northern European universities (Aarhus, Münster, Göttingen, Osnabrück and Birmingham), who work together across three different disciplines: new testament, classical philology and ancient history. The project examines Cicero's, Paul's, and Seneca's leadership through letter writing as transformational leadership.

Here you will find a description of the project, information on the project time frame and expected results. In addition, you can meet the researchers behind the project and see the group's calendar for workshops and conferences. We hope you will benefit from the site.

If you have any questions, please contact Erich Benjamin Pracht at ebp@cas.au.dk