Aarhus University Seal


Alma Fonseca Fjeldsted - New PhD Student at the Department of Anthropology

From the 1st of February Alma Fonseca Fjeldsted is enrolled as a 4+4 PhD student at the department of Anthropology, where she will be conducting an anthropological investigation of the implementation of restorative justice practices in the Danish Kriminalforsorg.

I am Alma Fonseca Fjeldsted and I have a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and one year’s study of the MA in Human Security. From the 1st of February I am enrolled as a 4+ 4 PhD student at the department of Anthropology. Throughout the next four years I will be conducting an anthropological investigation of the implementation of restorative justice practices in the Danish Kriminalforsorg.       

In these years the Danish Kriminalforsorg is facing multiple challenges, including shortcoming of prison personnel, a high rate of conflict and psychological pressure. To improve the work conditions for the uniformed personnel, Kriminalforsorgen is now implementing initiatives that build on principles from restorative justice, including the hiring of conflict mediators. Though mediation has been implemented in Denmark in various settings in relation to crime, it has so far been targeted victims and criminal offenders. Thus, the implementation of mediation with the purpose of improving the prison as a workplace is a new development in the Danish context. With my research project I hope to illuminate the potential of applying restorative justice practices to affect organisational culture and alleviate workplace pressure in prisons. Alongside mediation, Kriminalforsorgen has encountered offering personnel courses on restorative justice. These courses are taught by Christian B. N. Gade, who will also be my main supervisor.

Alma Fonseca Fjeldsted
School of Culture and Society
Moesgård Allé 20
8270 Højbjerg