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From the 1st of February Alma Fonseca Fjeldsted is enrolled as a 4+4 PhD student at the department of Anthropology, where she will be conducting an…
Emma-Cecilie Voxnæs Søndergaard will be instigating fertility ambitions among young adults in urban Denmark.
The research project, Reorienting Integration, sheds light on the daily lives of older Congolese women in Denmark in a new report. The report…
A research project supported by the Working Environment Research Foundation concludes that migrants in Danish agriculture face special occupational…
Aarhus University has appointed Professor Heather Anne Swanson as AU Distinguished Senior Innovator (DSI). Heather Anne Swanson, professor of…
Emma Pask will be affiliated the Settler Colonial Beasts project.
Kristian Krarup Frandsen is enrolled as a PhD student with the project: Borderland Futures: Practices towards resilience in Finland.
With support from VELUX FONDEN, a new research project led by anthropologist Mikkel Rytter will focus on the phenomenon of "powerlessness" in Danish…
An exceptionally high scientific level, a dedicated global commitment and responsibility in relation to pressing societal challenges. These are some…
Ida started as a PhD student on 1 September with the "Moral experiments in intimate and divine relations: First-person ethics among Christian youth in…
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