Aarhus University Seal

Seed funding

Seed funding is a key instrument of the Moesgaard collaboration. It allows us to explore new fields, questions, collaborations and research- and dissemination-related interventions. It supports pilot studies, which could be developed into joint publications, full projects and applications. It also supports activities that promote and strengthen the Moesgaard collaboration and its influence as a community of scholars, for talent development and new networks. We encourage interested scholars to orient themselves in existing joint long-term research ventures, such as long-term human-nature adaptations, and consider how their project may or may not strengthen these.

Time frame

  • Project budgets must be used before 31st December 2023.

How much

  • The maximum seed funding amount you can apply for is normally 10.000 DKK.


Recipients are expected to:

  • take part of dedicated MCH events that provide an opportunity where we can celebrate our research and community, our activities, engagement, and sense of fellowship.
  • Send a short abstract of the project to be published on the joint webpage.


  • Send a short proposal (1 page maximum) and a budget by email to Mette Løvschal (lovschal@cas.au.dk), with a short description of your case, theory/methods and expected outcomes/deliverables with regard to how this strengthens interdisciplinary research.
  • There is no deadline; applications can be submitted continual.


Mette Løvschal

Professor, Research collaboration facilitator AU/Moesgaard


+45 22 88 92 05

Niels Nørkjær Johannsen

Associate professor, Archaeology and Heritage Studies

Research programme director, AU 


+45 28158792




64th Annual Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier-Society 

Aarhus, April 11th – 15th, 2023