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The newly established Aarhus Centre for Conflict Management (Aarcon) invites researchers, students, and conflict management practitioners to a…
Gorm Harste will be defending his higher doctoral dissertation: The Habermas-Luhmann Debate
The Future is Eastern: Muḥammad Luṭfī Jumʿa (1886-1953) and the Drang nach Osten in Interwar Egypt.
Ideally, religion is part of the cultural heritage: Perceptions of religion as heritage in cultural history museums in Denmark.
'No one cares like family': Care, aging and religiosity in the Arab Muslim family in Denmark
Understanding the Scandinavian Paradox: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Nonreligion and Cultural Religion in a Danish Context
Lecture by UrbNet Visiting Professor John Healey (University of Manchester)
By Professor Anna Tsing, University of California and AU (this lecture is part of the Futures Lecture Series).
This symposium invites questions of what, how, why as well as by or for whom rituals of various kinds were performed in the Viking Age.
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