Aarhus University Seal

Department of the Study of Religion

  • one of the largest research environments in the world in this field


The Department of the Study of Religion is concerned with religion in its comprehensive sense. The studies cover all major world religions and other religions and phenomena essential to the history of religion, past and present. This is reflected in the academic staff's research competences, which not only include a broad spectrum of empirical skills but also a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches from fields including history, philology, history of literature, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and phenomenology of religion. The separate degree programmes within Arabic and Islamic Studies have Islam and the Arab world's languages, culture and society as their speciality.

Research environment

The Department of the Study of Religion at Aarhus University is one of the largest research environments in the world in this field, including strong research competences in Norse religion, contemporary religion, Islamic studies, cognition and experimental studies. The environment is interdisciplinary in its organisation and working methods, and the programme's researchers are involved in a wide range of research projects with colleagues from other fields, such as biblical studies and church history within theology, the humanities in general, the social science and the natural science.

Degree programmes

The Studies of Religion Programme offers Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in the Study of Religion and a supplementary subject in Religion, Politics and Society in collaboration with political science. In addition a number of elective subjects are offered.

Academic Staff

Name Job title Email Phone Building
Albinus, Lars Associate Professor lal@cas.au.dk +4587162454 1451, 524
Bjerregaard, Mette de Hemmer Postdoc mebj@cas.au.dk +4587150485 1453, 522
Borup, Jørn Associate Professor jb@cas.au.dk +4587162439 1453, 529
Christensen, Henrik Reintoft Associate Professor hc@cas.au.dk +4587162492 1453, 518
Elsayed, Ibrahim Shawky Eltouhamy Teaching Associate Professor isee@cas.au.dk +4587169105 1451, 526
Fibiger, Marianne Qvortrup Associate Professor, Head of Department mf@cas.au.dk +4587162436 1453, 528
Fibiger, Thomas Brandt Associate Professor thomas.fibiger@cas.au.dk +4587169106 1453, 527
Geertz, Armin W. Professor Emeritus awg@cas.au.dk 1453, 523
Ismail, Abir Mohamad Postdoc ami@cas.au.dk +4587150486 1453, 522
Jensen, Hans Jørgen Lundager Professor Emeritus hj@cas.au.dk 1453, 523
Jensen, Jeppe Sinding Associate Professor Emeritus jsj@cas.au.dk 1453, 523
Kühle, Lene Professor lk@cas.au.dk +4587162425 1453, 533
Major-Smith, Daniel Postdoc dan.major-smith@cas.au.dk +4587150526 1451, 521
Mauritsen, Anne Lundahl Postdoc anlm@cas.au.dk +4540181716 1453, 531
Nygaard, Simon Associate Professor sn@cas.au.dk +4561264715 1451, 528
Olesen, Mattias Gori Postdoc mgo@cas.au.dk 1451, 529
Petersen, Anders Klostergaard Associate Professor akp@cas.au.dk +4587162431 1451, 531
Purzycki, Benjamin Grant Associate Professor bgpurzycki@cas.au.dk +4587169154 1451, 525
Riexinger, Martin Thomas Associate Professor mri@cas.au.dk +4587162421 1453, 520
Schjødt, Jens Peter Professor Emeritus jps@cas.au.dk +4587162489 1451, 523
Schjødt, Uffe Associate Professor us@cas.au.dk +4587169161 1451, 523
Schleicher, Marianne Associate Professor ms@cas.au.dk +4587162419 1453, 526
Pallesen, Cecil Marie Research Fellow etnocmsp@cas.au.dk +4587162171 4235, 136
Sedgwick, Mark Professor mjrs@cas.au.dk +4587162657 1451, 522
Sørensen, Jesper Associate Professor jsn@cas.au.dk +4587162441 1451, 527
Vonsek, Sigrid Winther Research Assistant swv@cas.au.dk
Yarosh, Oleg Postdoc oleg.yarosh@cas.au.dk +4587150487 1451, 521

PhD students