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Daniel started as a postdoc on 1 October and is affiliated the 'Gods, Games and the Socioecological Landscapes' project.
With support from VELUX FONDEN, a new research project led by anthropologist Mikkel Rytter will focus on the phenomenon of "powerlessness" in Danish…
Oleg Yarosh started on July 1 in a 12-month employment made possible by the Scholars At Risk Ukraine (SARU) fellowship, supported by Villum Fonden.
The Interacting Minds Centre (IMC) is launching a postdoctoral training programme for researchers interested in interdisciplinary research. The…
With an ERC Starting grant, Jihan Zakarriya seeks to broaden our perspective on feminisms in the Gulf. Taking a multidisciplinary comparative…
During his fellowship Oleg Yarosh will collaborate with The Arab and Islamic Studies Research Network (ICSRU) at Department of the Study of Religion.
Aaron Lightner will be affiliated the project "Gods, Games, and the Socioecological Landscape" from 1 September 2021.
Simon Nygaard er ansat som adjunkt i førkristen nordisk religion.
Ricarda Stegmann investigates contemporary Sufi spirituality of the middle classes.
Jesper Frøkjær Sørensen har netop modtaget et Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship til projektet: Towards a Cultural Immunology.
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