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Priyanka Jha will be Affiliated the research project “An Intellectual History of Global Inequality, 1960-2015” led by Associate Professor Christian…
Anke has accepted a position as associate professor at the School of Culture and Society from 01 January 2020.
Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen has received a Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship for the project: The Practical Foundations of Epistemology
Somogy Varga has received a Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship for the project: The Goals of Medicine. A Philosophical Analysis
Anne will be working on a project about Murdoch as a modern existential philosophical reply to what Zygmunt Bauman has called the ‘overdetermined’ and…
As of 1 August 2019, We are happy to welcome Somogy Varga to the School of Culture and Society as Professor in Philosophy.
Two researchers at the School of Culture and Society have become partners in two different HERA projects, which are supported by grants from the EU…
Andreas Beyer Gregersen is writing a PhD about the concept of civility in social and political philosophy. He holds both a Master’s and a Bachelor’s…
Ludvig Goldschmidt Pedersen is writing a PhD about scientific virtues in the Danish bureaucracy from 1885 to 1942. I hold a Master’s degree in…
Robots are now included in more and more contexts of our everyday life. This development is welcomed by industry and policy-makers alike. But what…
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