Interested in digital humanities?
ARTS funds places at Oxford DH summer school 2019

Curious about Digital Humanities? Or want to enhance your existing skills in a particular DH area (texts, music, citizen science, TIE, linked-data, etc.)?
As part of the Digital Arts Initiative, ARTS has decided to sponsor a limited number of places at the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School, Monday 22 July to Friday 26 July, 2019. The summer school offers training to anyone with an interest in Digital Humanities, including academics at all careers stages. Participants at the summer school follow one of many parallel workshops throughout the week, supplemented by expert guest lectures.
For more information see: Information on specific strands offered in 2019 will be available in late December, but most of the strands offered in 2018 will be available in 2019 too. For further information about the summer school and its specific strands in 2019 you can either email Helle Strandgaard Jensen ( or show up at the info meeting on 21 January, 14:00-14:30 (1461-516).
All employees at ARTS are invited to apply for a place at the summer school, but preference will be given to full time permanent staff.
ARTS covers travel, summer school fee and accommodation (at an Oxford college).
If you are interested, please write a 200 word motivation stating
1) why you want to attend the summer school,
2) workshop strand priorities 1-3,
3) if you attended the summer school in 2018,
4) your affiliation with ARTS.
Please send you application to Helle Strandgaard Jensen before 1 February. Applicants will know the outcome by 6 February at the latest.