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An open, selforganized space for doing concentrated writing
Det Mellemkirkelige Råd og Afdeling for Teologi v. Aarhus Universitet inviterer til fagseminar mandag d. 24. februar.
An informal setting for discussing "work in progress" @ Interacting Minds Centre
By visiting guest researcher Petr Wohlmuth, Charles University, Prague
Collaborative qualitative data session - Open Your Data @ the Interacting Minds Centre
Seminar arranged by the Centre for the Study of Antiquity and Christianity
Samwel Moses Ntapanta, Postdoctoral Research at AU Anthropology, will be introducing his new book Gathering Electronic Waste in Tanzania: Labour, Value, and Toxicity.
Presented by Line Dalsgaard, Professor in anthropology at The Institute for Culture and Society, Aarhus University
Lecture by Heidi Maibom, University of Cincinatti
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