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The purpose of conference is for scholars working specifically or broadly in religion, literature, and culture to reflect on and exemplify what scholarship within the Humanities, including Theology, has to offer in…
Vil du gerne følge med i, hvad universitetsteologien arbejder med? Eller søger du ideer til at forny dine ugentlige prædikener?
Interacting Minds Centre Tuesday Seminar: Talk by Uta Frith, Emeritus Professor of Cognitive Development, UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
Discussion of the emergence of globalism as a perspective on world order by Or Rosenboim, Associate Professor at Bologna University.
China Studies host three public guest lectures by Professor Ding Dou, School of International Studies at Peking University, China.
Internal closed seminar with Andreas Serafim, Copernicus University, Torun.
Interacting Minds Centre Seminar: Talk by Morten H. Christiansen, professor, Aarhus University and Cornell University
Signs, Structure and Cryptanalysis
Undervisere fra Aarhus Universitet deler deres viden om verdens sprog. Hvad er sprog? Hvor tales diverse sprog? Og hvordan er de opstået? Kom og bliv overrasket over sprogets mangfoldighed.
Interacting Minds Centre Tuesday Seminar: Talk by Chris Frith, Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychology, Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL and Honorary Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, University of…
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