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KLS Seminar: Forskningsprofessor i antikkens historie ved Nationalmuseet, Christian A. Thomsen, præsenterer sin nye bog "Stemmer fra antikken".
Maria Pauline Mogensen (1882-1932) voksede op med sin far, der var maskinmester, en faster og to brødre. Moderen døde, da Maria blot var tre måneder gammel. Hun var dygtig i skolen, så hun skulle skifte skole for at…
Fortalt af redaktøren samt nogle af forfatterne bag bøgerne
KLS Seminar with Nikos Manousakis, Academy of Athens.
Interacting Minds Centre Tuesday Seminar: Talk by Robert Barton, professor, Department of Anthropology, Durham University
Interacting Minds Centre Seminar: Talk by Jorge Ibáñez-Gijón, Associate Professor, Department of Basic Psychology, Autonomous University of Madrid
Ole Vinther, PhD-student, Oslo University: Gregory of Nazianzus and Libanius: Rhetoric, Competing Storyworlds and the Transformation of Worldview in Late Antiquity. Jointly with the Research unit for practical and…
Presented by Stine W Adrian, professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods at Department of the Social Sciences at The Arctic University of Norway
Speakers and detailed program to be announced
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